Friday, April 30, 2010

SuperSize Change In Your Diet

After watching Supersize me for the 3rd time in my life, i still get grossed out about how disgusting and unnatural fast food really is..The fact of the matter is that eating fast food period is very harmful for your body because there are chances of obtaining a disease, ecoli, food poisoning, or bacteria..I understand that fast food is a temptation and tastes delicious but that's no reason to manipulate your mind into thinking it's safe to compose..Being obese reducing your lifespan by 15-17 years, so you definitly must not appreciate your life if fast food is part of your diet..To my belief, i think obesity is based on genetics for the simple fact that we can't control our body is made cause we are all made different..Some of us have a huge appetite but a fast metaboism so they dont gain weight as much but the ones with a big appetite and eat unhealthy every minute of the day, is the reason the majority of the country is obese..The movie Supersize me can really give you a reality check on how much damage is being done to the body with just a single meal of Mcdonalds..But I mean sometimes a Mcdonalds in some states is the only thing thing around so some people dont have a choice..but that still doesnt give you the right to kill yourself everyday eating that mouthwatering burger..Yes it's understandable that the healthy foods and fruits are kind of expensive compared to the junk food but truth be told, the junk food companies know their food is harmful and bad for our health but as long as your spending every dollar in your wallet on them then they can care less about how your feeling or if your on an unhealthy diet..For example, I went the same kind of obstacle..Over a year ago, i gained almost 30 pounds in a couple months because I just had an obcession with eating and at the moment I wasn't excercising like I regularly used to do..I used to always be active and all of a sudden I just lost interest in everything, but I guess it was because of a personal situation i was going through at the time..But since I started my college life, I decided to get my career on the road and it felt good to be learning for me and benefiting from it..Then i started getting back into the habit of excercising regularly and I also changed my diet from eating fast food like two times a week to eating it about once every two months..Also another main factor that contributed to my weight loss was cutting out meat..As of this moment I eat strictly and mostly vegetables and fruits..Now I weigh 130lbs from being 165lbs a year ago..I'm very proud of my progress and accomplishment..So being healthy and losing weight is based on dtermination and the choices you make..You are the only one that can change your habits and live a better, happier life..You choose to eat fast food instead of getting a salad from a local store or supermarket or a snickers bar instead of a fruit..Everything is revolved arounf the choices you make..The movie Supersize Me is a perfect example on what can happen to you if you continue the habits your currently initiating..


  1. sounds like you went through a serious lifestyle change Brian. the movie IS an great eye opener as you said it to be. Also, I see that you strongly belive genes are the main cause for obesity in amnerica, but also in this same blog you seem to shift towards behavior and habits. on that note, I do agree with you. I do believe that genes play as a big a roll as behavior and habits.

  2. yes Brian i totally agree that changing the way you eat impacts on our body in a good way. Omg. i don't believe that u were 165lbs and weigh 130lbs. Great start.
